The Ghaith Fund: WE-RISE! Program Empowers SMEs and Farmers in Sudan

The Ghaith Resilience Fund (GRF) is an innovative financial initiative dedicated to fostering the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, and smallholder farmers in Sudan. Focused on post-conflict recovery, this program aims to drive sustainable development across the nation. The GRF serves as a critical financial instrument designed to empower women and young entrepreneurs, fueling their ambitions and facilitating collaboration between vulnerable groups, particularly within women’s associations.
The fund prioritizes projects and companies operating in key sectors, including:

  • – Agriculture, livestock, and supply chains
  • – Renewable energy
  • – Technology and communication systems
  • – Handmade crafts and small producers

The Ghaith Resilience Fund is an initiative carried out by the Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Environment (WE-RISE!) Delegated Cooperation Programme, funded by the European Union in Sudan and implemented by AICS and UN Women.

The Ghaith Resilience Fund was designed with the Technical Assistance provided by Microfinanza Srl ​​and managed by 249 Startups and the Bank of Khartoum, all partners of the WE-RISE! Program.

Through this initiative, WE-RISE! aims to stimulate the prosperity of the entrepreneurial fabric in the program’s target states – Gedaref, Kassala, and Red Sea State – to respond to local needs and develop innovative solutions to the challenges that Sudan is facing and will face in a post-conflict scenario.

Funding categories
The Ghaith Resilience Fund is structured in three main categories, each adapted to specific beneficiaries with distinct eligibility criteria:

Category 1 – Associations and cooperatives
Target beneficiaries: members of women’s associations, productive organizations, or cooperatives.
Eligibility criteria: applicants must be based in Gedaref, Kassala, or the Red Sea State or willing to relocate. They must engage in income-generating activities, with a counterpart requirement of less than 10% of the grant amount.

Category 2 – Informal SMEs and smallholder farmers
Target beneficiaries: microenterprises, informal SMEs, or smallholder farmers operating on less than 5 feddan.
Eligibility criteria: Applicants must meet similar geographical and operational history requirements, with a matching requirement ranging from 15% to 30% of the grant amount.

Category 3 – Formal SMEs and Larger Smallholders
Target beneficiaries: Formal SMEs or smallholders operating between 5 and 100 feddans.
Eligibility criteria: Applicants must be based in the targeted states, demonstrate at least one year of operational history, and engage in commercial activities. The matching requirement for this category is between 30% and 40% of the grant amount.

Who can apply?

The Ghaith Resilience Fund is designed for applicants based in the targeted states or those who wish to expand their operations there. Eligible applicants must have at least one year of operational history, provide proof of identity, and submit relevant supporting documents. Additionally, the proposed product or service must address local challenges in Sudan and align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Use this Link to apply  Deadline to apply: 2 December 2023.

Support for Applicants
Recognizing the challenges that applicants may face during the funding process, the Ghaith Resilience Fund provides selected applicants with guidance and technical assistance. This support includes help in developing initial business plans and identifying matching funding requirements. Assistance continues throughout the application process and into the implementation phase, ensuring that funded projects have the resources they need to thrive.

The Ghaith Resilience Fund serves as a beacon of hope for entrepreneurs and farmers in Sudan, driving sustainable economic growth and recovery. With the support of funders, donors, and partners, this initiative aims to transform local businesses and make a meaningful contribution to the nation’s development goals.

The Ghaith Fund: WE-RISE! Program Empowers SMEs and Farmers in Sudan

The Ghaith Resilience Fund (GRF) is an innovative financial initiative dedicated to fostering the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, and smallholder farmers in Sudan. Focused on post-conflict recovery, this program aims to drive sustainable development across the nation. The GRF serves as a critical financial instrument designed to empower women and young entrepreneurs, fueling their ambitions and facilitating collaboration between vulnerable groups, particularly within women’s associations.
The fund prioritizes projects and companies operating in key sectors, including:

  • – Agriculture, livestock, and supply chains
  • – Renewable energy
  • – Technology and communication systems
  • – Handmade crafts and small producers

The Ghaith Resilience Fund is an initiative carried out by the Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Environment (WE-RISE!) Delegated Cooperation Programme, funded by the European Union in Sudan and implemented by AICS and UN Women.

The Ghaith Resilience Fund was designed with the Technical Assistance provided by Microfinanza Srl ​​and managed by 249 Startups and the Bank of Khartoum, all partners of the WE-RISE! Program.

Through this initiative, WE-RISE! aims to stimulate the prosperity of the entrepreneurial fabric in the program’s target states – Gedaref, Kassala, and Red Sea State – to respond to local needs and develop innovative solutions to the challenges that Sudan is facing and will face in a post-conflict scenario.

Funding categories
The Ghaith Resilience Fund is structured in three main categories, each adapted to specific beneficiaries with distinct eligibility criteria:

Category 1 – Associations and cooperatives
Target beneficiaries: members of women’s associations, productive organizations, or cooperatives.
Eligibility criteria: applicants must be based in Gedaref, Kassala, or the Red Sea State or willing to relocate. They must engage in income-generating activities, with a counterpart requirement of less than 10% of the grant amount.

Category 2 – Informal SMEs and smallholder farmers
Target beneficiaries: microenterprises, informal SMEs, or smallholder farmers operating on less than 5 feddan.
Eligibility criteria: Applicants must meet similar geographical and operational history requirements, with a matching requirement ranging from 15% to 30% of the grant amount.

Category 3 – Formal SMEs and Larger Smallholders
Target beneficiaries: Formal SMEs or smallholders operating between 5 and 100 feddans.
Eligibility criteria: Applicants must be based in the targeted states, demonstrate at least one year of operational history, and engage in commercial activities. The matching requirement for this category is between 30% and 40% of the grant amount.

Who can apply?

The Ghaith Resilience Fund is designed for applicants based in the targeted states or those who wish to expand their operations there. Eligible applicants must have at least one year of operational history, provide proof of identity, and submit relevant supporting documents. Additionally, the proposed product or service must address local challenges in Sudan and align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Use this Link to apply  Deadline to apply: 2 December 2023.

Support for Applicants
Recognizing the challenges that applicants may face during the funding process, the Ghaith Resilience Fund provides selected applicants with guidance and technical assistance. This support includes help in developing initial business plans and identifying matching funding requirements. Assistance continues throughout the application process and into the implementation phase, ensuring that funded projects have the resources they need to thrive.

The Ghaith Resilience Fund serves as a beacon of hope for entrepreneurs and farmers in Sudan, driving sustainable economic growth and recovery. With the support of funders, donors, and partners, this initiative aims to transform local businesses and make a meaningful contribution to the nation’s development goals.

Chiuso il Concorso di Fumetti “SUDANESE HEROINE” – Abbiamo i Vincitori!

Siamo lieti di annunciare i vincitori del concorso “SUDANESE HEROINE“!

Ecco la lista dei migliori fumetti:

1° Premio: “SHADIA” di Amejed Ibrahim Mohamed
2° Premio: “SHATTERED BUT UNBOWED” di Maab Tajuldeen
3° Premio:  “A SUDANESE HEROINE” di Yousif Elamin
Congratulazioni e grazie a tutti i partecipanti!!
Il concorso invitava gli illustratori a catturare l’essenza dell’8 marzo nella vita delle donne sudanesi di oggi. Abbiamo ricevuto molti contributi eccezionali. Apprezziamo profondamente l’impegno e il coinvolgimento di ogni partecipante!
Questa iniziativa fa parte di WE-RISE! – Empowerment delle donne per la resilienza, l’inclusione, la sostenibilità e l’ambiente – Un progetto finanziato dall’Unione Europea e implementato da AICS Khartoum in collaborazione con UN Women.

“A Sudanese Heroine” – Un concorso di fumetti per celebrare La Giornata internazionale della donna

Questo 8 marzo 2024, AICS Khartoum è lieta di promuovere il concorso di fumetti “A Sudanese Heroine”!

Aperto agli illustratori sudanesi di tutti i generi.
Attraverso i fumetti, chiediamo agli illustratori di esplorare e rappresentare il significato profondo della Giornata internazionale dei diritti della donna nella complessa realtà della vita delle donne nel Sudan di oggi. Chiediamo di catturare la diversità di esperienze, sfide e trionfi che le donne sudanesi affrontano, evidenziando il loro ruolo e la loro resilienza in contesti sociali, politici ed economici unici.

L’iniziativa è realizzata nell’ambito del progetto WE-RISE! – Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, finanziato dall’Unione Europea e implementato congiuntamente da AICS Khartoum e UN Women.
Il progetto WE-RISE! mira a costruire comunità inclusive, sostenibili e resilienti in Sudan, promuovendo un ambiente che supporti l’empowerment economico e la protezione dei diritti civili di donne e ragazze.

Le candidature vanno presentate entro l’8 maggio 2024

Per partecipare occorre scaricare il modulo a questo link: English version/Arabic version

Colora il Mondo di Arancio! – 16 giorni di attivismo contro la violenza di genere 2023

Sei sudanese?

Ti piacciono le competizioni?

Sei pronti a prendere parte ai “16 giorni di attivismo contro la violenza di genere 2023“?
Metti in mostra il tuo talento e allo stesso tempo contribuisci ad aumentare la consapevolezza sull’importanza di prevenire la violenza di genere!

AICS Khartoum ti invita a unirti a noi nella campagna!

Partecipa al nostro concorso di poster “La mia voce è la tua voce”. Scadenza: 20 novembre 2023.

L’obiettivo del concorso è coinvolgere e motivare attivamente la comunità sudanese nella sensibilizzazione sulla violenza di genere che colpisce le ragazze e le donne. Vogliamo selezionare 16 poster da mostrare sui nostri social durante il periodo della campagna di 16 giorni.

L’iniziativa è realizzata nell’ambito del progetto “WE-RISE!“, realizzato congiuntamente da AICS e UN Women, finanziato dall’Unione Europea. Questo progetto mira a costruire comunità inclusive, sostenibili e resilienti e a creare un ambiente favorevole all’emancipazione economica, sociale ed educativa delle donne in Sudan.

Approfitta di questa fantastica opportunità e invia oggi stesso la tua candidatura!