
Questa pagina riporta le principali pubblicazioni realizzate nel quadro delle iniziative dell'Agenzia e della Cooperazione delegata con riferimento ai Paesi di competenza della sede AICS di Khartoum.

Autore / AuthorTitolo / TitleAnno / Year
AICS Iniziative di emergenza in Sudan, Repubblica Centrafricana, Ciad ed Eritrea | IT|2023
AICS A LABOUR MARKET SURVEY ON ERITREA - Upskilling and professional training in ICT, hospitality and cold chain sectors | ENG |
INCHIESTA SUL MERCATO DEL LAVORO IN ERITREA: Riqualificazione e formazione professionale nei settori dell'informatica, turismo e catena del freddo | IT|
AICS Bridging gaps in Community Mental Healthcare
AICS Making visible the invisible 2023
AICS Relazione annuale 2022
AICS A passport for life- Birth registration in Mayo2023
AICS Opportunities for profit organisations
AICS Gender Based Violence - Definitions and witnesses in Sudan2022
AICS Toolkit for cervical, breast, uterine, ovarian & fallopian tube, vaginal & vulvar cancer2022
AICSLinee guida sull’Uguaglianza di Genere e Empowerment di Donne, Ragazze e Bambine (2020-2024) - ITA | ENG | FR | AR2021-2024
AICS Standard Operating Procedures for Children victims of Human Trafficking2022
AICS We-Rise! Brochure2022
AICS The Italian Cooperation in Sudan-Priorities and opportunities - Registration modalities2022
AICS- UNIDO Fostering inclusive economic growth in Kassala State2022
AICS - ACRAGuide genre - Étapes pour la prise en compte du genre dans les
groupements du secteur agricole au Tchad
| FR
Locandina - Pour notre santé, mangeons les fruits et légumes de chez nous!| FR
Brochure - Le pacte de Milan sur les politiques alimentaires urbaines| FR
AICS - OVCIEarly detection and prevention disability - A parent guideline| AR2022
AICS - NEXUSDialogare, formare, contrattare: il lavoro come strumento di pace - Newsletter 7| IT
Dialogue, training, bargaining: work as an instrument of peace - Newsletter 7| EN
AICSIntegrating oral health into global health - Challenges and opportunities for Sudan oral health care system 2021
AICSNHIF - Training course handbook 2021
AICSBrochure Health Pro2021
AICSA place called Mayo: The path to resilience2021
AICSAssessment on access to primary mental health care in Kassala
Assessment on access to primary mental health care in Kassala - Notes for enumerators
AICSRelazione annuale 2020 | IT2021
AICS - OVCIHandbook for accessibility improvement in PHCCs - Part 1
Handbook for accessibility improvement in PHCCs - Part 2
AICS - CIMAField assessment and survey of the Angola district of Mayo camp - EN
Field assessment and survey of the Angola district of Mayo camp - AR
AICSFamily Medicine - Practice manual
Treatment manual for family medicines practitioners
AICSToolkit for the integration of GBV prevention and response into women's economic empowerment activities | EN & | AR2020
AICSDialogare, formare, contrattare: il lavoro come strumento di pace - Newsletter 1| IT
Dialogue, training, bargaining: work as an instrument of peace - Newsletter 1| EN

Dialogare, formare, contrattare: il lavoro come strumento di pace - Newsletter 2| IT
Dialogue, training, bargaining: work as an instrument of peace - Newsletter 2| EN

Dialogare, formare, contrattare: il lavoro come strumento di pace - Newsletter 3| IT
Dialogue, training, bargaining: work as an instrument of peace- Newsletter 3| EN

AICSLife at the curve of the Nile| EN2020
AICSCOVID 19 - Awareness campaign | AR
COVID 19 - Rules to follow | AR
UNDPUNDP Sudan - Italy COVID-19 Response Update2020
AICSRelazione annuale 2019 | IT2020
AICSAt a Glance: SDN11 - Support migrants and host communities in improving access to water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan | EN
AICSAt a Glance: SDN13 - Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan | EN2020
AICSAICS Khartoum - Brochure Repubblica Centrafricana | FR2020
AICSAICS Khartoum - Brochure Camerun e Ciad | FR2020
AICSThe roles of female farmers in urban settings in Khartoum State - Final Report |EN
The roles of female farmers in urban settings in Khartoum State - Final Report | AR
AICSBlood Donation |EN |AN
AICSCervical Cancer |AR 2020
AICSCommunity Midwifes - Stories from the field |EN2019
AICSWASH and Waste Development Sector - Kassala |EN
WASH and Waste Development Sector - Kassala |AR

WASH and Waste Development Sector - Gedaref|EN
WASH and Waste Development Sector - Gedaref|AR
AICSMigration trends & common strategies - lessons from the field |IT2019
AICSAICS Khartoum brochure |EN2019
AICSThe roles of female farmers in urban settings in Khartoum State - Summary |EN
AICSRapporto Annuale 2018-2019 TADMEEN | EN2019
AICSRapporto Annuale 2018 | IT2019
AICSManuale sui parametri vitali di neonati, lattanti, infanti | EN
Manuale sui parametri vitali di neonati, lattanti, infanti | AR
AICSRapporto annuale | IT2018
AICSImproving access to safe water and sanitation & Strengheteing resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 2018
OCHAHumanitarian Needs Overview 2018
AICS Linee Guida Disabilita' | IT2018
AICS Documento triennale di programmazione 2017-2019 | IT2018
AICS At a glance: refugees in Sudan | EN2018
AISPOGuidance Book - Port Sudan Obstetric Teaching Hospital by AISPO by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation within the Project “Improving life conditions of Eastern Sudan State, North Darfur and Khartoum population, particularly on migrants and refugees” | EN2018
AICSRapporto annuale | IT
AICSRapporto annuale | IT

Cooperazione Italiana Newsletter 4 Health Bulletin | EN

Cooperazione Italiana Newsletter 5 Health Bulletin | EN

Cooperazione Italiana Newsletter 3 Health Bulletin | EN

Cooperazione Italiana Newsletter 2 Health Bulletin | EN

Cooperazione Italiana Newsletter 1 Health Bulletin | EN

[fa class="fa-files-o"]  pubblicazioni • AICS