Water supply project in Eastern Sudan

Location Gedaref, Kassala and Red Sea States
Length 11 months (Started on October 2014)
Implemented by IOM
Amount 500,000,00 Euro

Eastern Sudan is characterised by intense migration flows which add pressure on already scarce WASH infrastructure, refugees and IDPs continue to settle in the area. Only 36% of Kassala’s rural population has access to safe drinking water and 22% of them use improved sanitation facilities.

Expected outputs and activities
1: Improved quality and access to water points
– Rehabilitation/construction of pumps boreholes upgraded with solar pumping systems and hand pump boreholes;
2: Community skills improved in management and maintenance of water infrastructure
– Establishment of Community Water Management committees;
– Training for maintenance and pump mechanics and distribution of toolkits for repair.
3: Open defecation eradicated through hygiene awareness activities
– Community Approach Total Sanitation (CATS) introduced to promote hygiene – awareness;
– Hygiene sessions organized to promote hygiene messages;
– Technical assistance and materials provided to support construction of household latrines;

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