
AICS Khartoum, competent for Cameroon, Chad, Eritrea and CAR, in the implementation of the initiatives financed by the Italian Cooperation, makes use of a dense network of local and international partners, as well as civil society. Among these, Sudanese institutions and ministries involved in project initiatives certainly represent privileged interlocutors, such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

In the universe of civil society, AICS Khartoum's relevant partners are four Italian NGOs, Oxfam, Emergency, AISPO and OVCI.

Also important is the contribution, on the initiatives related to the multilateral channel, of International Organizations and United Nations Agencies. These include UNDP, UNHCR, IOM, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNOPS, WHO and UNMAS.

The partnerships linked to cooperation with Italian Universities (Università di Sassari and Chieti/Pescara) and those concerning Delegated Cooperation, of which the European Union represents the point of reference, are becoming increasingly important.