Comic Contest “SUDANESE HEROINE” – Here are the winners!

We’re excited to announce the Winners of the “SUDANESE HEROINE“!
Here we’ve got the winners:
1° Place: “SHADIA” By Amejed Ibrahim Mohamed
2° Place: “SHATTERED BUT UNBOWED” By Maab Tajuldeen
3° Place:  “A SUDANESE HEROINE” By Yousif Elamin
Congratulations and thanks to all the winners!!
The contest invited illustrators to capture the essence of March 8th in the lives of Sudanese women today. We deeply appreciate each participant’s exceptional commitment and involvement, and we received many outstanding submissions!
This initiative is part of  WE-RISE! – Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Environment- A project funded by the European Union and implemented by AICS Khartoum in partnership with UN Women.

“My Voice is Your Voice” poster competition! The winners are….

We are pleased to announce the winners of the "My Voice is Your Voice" poster competition, created as part of the 16 days of activism against gender violence campaign 2023 organized by AICS Khartoum through EU funds for the WE-RISE! project Of the 12 posters that passed the pre-selection phase, 5 were awarded in the 3 positions foreseen and distributed as follows:

1st Place: 2 posters, ex aequo: “Rising Up!” by Mosab K. and “Empowered by Education” by Reem M.
2nd Place: “Volume Up!” by Exam A.
3rd Place: 2 posters, ex aequo: “Empowering Voices, Flourishing Futures” by Ahmed E. and “Break the Chains” by Omema A.

The jury, made up of five experts in the fields of communication, graphic design and women's rights, judged the works based on their coherence with the theme indicated in the competition, communicative effectiveness, innovation and design ability. We express our deep gratitude to each participant for their extraordinary commitment and involvement during the campaign days. Their sensitivity and creativity have given strength to this initiative, serving as amplifiers for the considerable challenges that Sudanese women and girls face, especially during the persistent conflict that plagues their country. We are particularly pleased with the active participation of women and girls in this competition, to which the WE-RISE! dedicate its best energies.

Congratulations and thanks to all participants!

Click here to find out the catalogue with the best artworks!!

This initiative is part of the WE-RISE! - Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Environment- A project funded by the European Union in Sudan and implemented by the AICS Khartoum in partnership with UN Women.

WE-RISE! Project Marks Its Third Year: A Commitment to Women’s Empowerment Amid Sudan’s Challenges

The deputy head of the AICS office in Khartoum, Maria Cristina Pescante, along with EU Ambassador H.E. Aidan O’Hara and UN-Women Representative Adjaratou Fataou Ndiaye, commemorate the third year of the WE-RISE! Project, worth 12.7 million euros. Funded by the European Union and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and by UN Women, with support from the international NGO, Mercy Corps, this II Annual Meeting underscores the project’s resilience, inclusivity, and dedication to sustainable development, expressed Michele Morana, Head of the AICS Khartoum Regional Office.

Despite the challenges posed by the conflict last April 15th, 2023, Italy’s commitment to Sudan remains unwavering, affirmed Maria Cristina Pescante. She emphasized that these initiatives are vital in fostering stability and driving crucial social and economic development for Sudan’s future, extending beyond the project itself. It’s a promise to stand by Sudan during these trying times. Italy actively engages in reinforcing strategic projects that empower women as architects of peace, recognizing their significance that transcends borders and ideologies, concluded Pescante.

The conflict has led to the displacement of over six million people, including an estimated 105,000 pregnant women, according to the United Nations. Nearly 90% of those seeking refuge in neighbouring countries are women and children. Sudan’s healthcare system faces severe challenges, with 70 to 80% of hospitals in conflict zones non-operational, impacting access to maternal healthcare significantly.

Amid these adversities, the WE-RISE! project serves as a beacon, addressing global challenges, particularly those affecting women amid Sudan’s conflict. The commitment to women’s empowerment and resilience remains steadfast, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping Sudan’s future.

As a response, and thanks to the great dedication of our implementing partners – AICS and UN Women with their partners on the ground – the project managed to re-adapt to the changing situation, including strengthening our response to GBV through community-based initiatives in Eastern Sudan – stated the European Union Ambassador in Sudan – Aidan O’Hara, in his opening speech.

Initiatives in Kassala, Gedaref, and the Red Sea states aim to empower women through microfinance, leadership development and cultural change, highlighted by Costanza Matafù, the WE-RISE! project’s Team Leader. 

UN Women affirmed that the project emphasizes the indispensable role of women in conflict resolution and the pursuit of enduring peace.  

The WE-RISE! project acknowledges women as catalysts for lasting peace and stability and Italy reaffirms its commitment to reinforcing initiatives that empower women, a crucial aspect of Sudan’s journey toward sustainable development and stability. 

Together, these efforts wield the power to transform lives and forge a brighter future for Sudan. 

To learn all items discussed, please consult the following materials:

WE-RISE! – Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Reference: T05-EUTF-HOA-SD-96-02
Partners: - UN Women
- Financial institutions
- Trade Unions
- National Bureau of Statistics
- Chamber of Commerce
- Women's groups, Local NGOs & CSOs
Locations: SUDAN - States: Khartoum * / Kassala / Gedaref / Red Sea
*Activities suspended from April 15, 2023, due to the ongoing armed conflict.
Duration: 38 months


Budget: 12.728.00 EUR


Beneficiaries: 21.760.00 (80% Women):
Khartoum: 5.000, Kassala: 6.090, Gedaref: 5.090, Red Sea: 5.490
Useful documents: - Project brochure

A joint effort by AICS and UN Women, funded through the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, aims to support Sudan's democratic transition by empowering vulnerable women in Khartoum, Kassala, Gedaref, and Red Sea States. This involves microfinance support, technical assistance for financial institutions, and the promotion of positive social norms, ultimately contributing to women's economic and social empowerment.

The project focuses on enhancing women's entrepreneurial capacity within value chain transformation, aiming to increase productivity, income, and gender equality. It also aims to tackle obstacles to Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE), including tackling gender-based violence and promoting positive social norms. Academic institutions, CSOs, trade unions, and chambers of commerce in the specified regions are key partners, emphasizing collective action with local NGOs, CSOs, and women's associations. A Project Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will oversee the project, comprising representatives from AICS, UN Women, and the EU, alongside coordination with CSOs.