In this page, you will find all the vacancies for AICS Khartoum - offices of Khartoum, Bangui, Yaounde, Asmara - and EU Trust Fund vacancies.
Employer | Position | AID | Deadline |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment Determina a contrarre 1 M&E project officer (Expert Low) - 13/12303/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Determina di annullamento | 12303 | 27/06/2024 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | ASSESS – Assicurare i Servizi Sanitari di Base - Accesso ai servizi sanitari per le popolazioni colpite dal conflitto negli Stati dell'Est del Sudan Determina a contrarre 1 Project Officer con funzioni amministrative - 12/12860/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria finale | 12860 | 10/06/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | SUSISA-Supporto al Sistema Sanitario Sudanese Determina a contrarre 1 Project officer con funzioni amministrative - 11/12776/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria finale | 12776 | 10/06/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Iniziativa di emergenza a favore delle popolazioni in movimento e delle comunità ospitanti del Sudan colpite dal conflitto scoppiato il 15 aprile 2023 Determina a contrarre 1 esperto settore emergenza (Esperto low) - 10/12846/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria finale | 12846 | 31/05/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Iniziativa di Emergenza a favore delle fasce vulnerabili della popolazione in Sudan per favorire soluzioni durevoli ai fini dell’inclusione sociale. Determina a contrarre 1 Manager Low settore emergenza - 09.12625.2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria Finale | 12625 | 31/05/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Pubblicazione bando di assunzione per un Finance and Administration Expert (Esperto Low) per l’iniziativa “WE-RISE!"- Women empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment Determina a contrarre 1 Esperto in Finance and Administration (Esperto Low) Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria finale | 12303 | 29/03/2024 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Iniziativa di emergenza a favore delle popolazioni in movimento e delle comunità ospitanti del Sudan colpite dal conflitto scoppiato il 15 aprile 2023 Determina a contrarre 1 esperto settore emergenza (Esperto low) - 10/12846/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi | 12660 | 29/03/2024 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba proroga al 12/04/2024 alle ore 11.00 (ora di Addis Abeba). |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Programma multisettoriale a sostegno della resilienza della popolazione vulnerabile in Repubblica Centrafricana Determina a contrarre 1 programme officer emergenza (Esperto Low) - 05/12845/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Candidato selezionato: Elisa Violi Graduatoria finale | 12845 | 29/03/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | MAYO-UP - Resilienza delle popolazioni vulnerabili delle open areas di Mayo - Determina a contrarre - 1 Capo Programma sviluppo e protezione sociale (Esperto High) -06/11813/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Candidata selezionata: Francesca Nardi Graduatoria | 11813 | 21/03/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di Coordinamento e assistenza tecnica Determina a contrarre 1 Manager gestione e coordinamento di programmi di Cooperazione (Manager Low) - 03/12377/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Fabio Monni | 12377 | 01/03/2024 10.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di Coordinamento e assistenza tecnica Determina a contrarre 1 Manager dipartimento procurement, logistica e trasparenza (Manager Low) - 02/12377/2024 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidati ammessi Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Maurizio Maranzana | 12377 | 01/03/2024 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Determina a contrarre 1 Finance and Administration Expert (Esperto Middle) - 01/12303/2024 Legally binding Deadline extension 1 Deadline extension 2 Deadline extension 3 Nessun candidato/a idoneo/a | 12303 | 19/02/2024 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba Extended until 26/02/2024 at 16.00 Addis Abeba Time Extended until 04/03/2024 at 16.00 Addis Abeba Time Extended until 11/03/2024 at 16.00 Addis Abeba Time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Determina a contrarre 1 Programme coordinator (Esperto Middle) - 15/12303/2023 Legally binding Lista candidati ammessi Graduatoria Candidata selezionata: Costanza Barucci | 12303 | 04/01/2024 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Support to Strengthen the Nutritional Services of the Health System in Kassala Determina a contrarre 1 Assistente Amministrativo/a con funzioni di Segretario/a (Esperto Junior) - 14/11812/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Proroga Candidati ammessi Graduatoria Cosima Annichiarico: ha rinunciato all'incarico. Renato Siboni: ha rinunciato all'incarico Benedetta Trignani: terzo candidato selezionato Valerio Romanazzi: quarto classificato, ha accettato l’incarico. | 11812 | 21/12/2023 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba Proroga al 08/01/2024 13.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Support to Strengthen the Nutritional Services of the Health System in Kassala Determina a contrarre 1 Assistente Amministrativo/a con funzioni di Segretario/a (Esperto Junior High) - 13/11812/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva L'avviso di incarico è annullato Determina di annullamento | 11812 | 06/12/2023 11.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di Coordinamento e assistenza tecnica – Sudan e paesi di competenza (Sudan, Eritrea, Repubblica Centrafricana)” Determina a contrarre 1 Esperto amministrativo – contabile (Esperto Middle 1) - 12/12377/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Estensione al 18.12.2023 Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Gabriella Honorati | 12377 | 18/11/2023 13.00 ora di Addis Abeba Proroga al 18/12/2023 13.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Lotta alla malnutrizione nello Stato di Kassala Determina a contrarre Assistente amministrativo-contabile (Esperto Low 4) - 11/11812/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Estensione al 26.11.2023 Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Gabriella Honorati La candidata selezionata prima in graduatoria ha rinunciato. Secondo selezionato: Stefano Fagnani | 11812 | 17/11/2023 13.00 ora di Addis Abeba Proroga al 26/11/2023 13.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Iniziativa di emergenza a favore delle fasce vulnerabili della popolazione in Sudan per favorire soluzioni durevoli ai fini dell’inclusione sociale e della prevenzione dei conflitti Team leader Emergenza (Low 3) - 10/12625/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Giuliana Schirò | 12625 | 31/10/2023 12.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di Coordinamento e assistenza tecnica Assistente amministrativo-contabile (Esperto Low 4) - 09/12377/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Cristina Toppo | 12377 | 26/08/2023 13.00 ora di Addis Abeba |
AICS Khartoum | Programma multisettoriale ed integrato per rafforzare la resilienza della popolazione vulnerabile in Eritrea Project Officer (Esperto Low 4) - 08/12631/2023 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Graduatoria Candidato selezionato: Maria Paola Crisponi | 12631 | 25/08/2023 11.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Support to Strengthen the Nutritional Services of the Health System in Kassala Project Officer - 06/11812/2023 - NATIONAL Legally binding statement * PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THIS VACANCY HAS BEEN CANCELLED. | 11812 | 24/04/2023 12.30 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Mayo Up Project Officer - (exp.Middle 3) -07/11813/2023 - Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Francesca Nardi Graduatoria | 11813 | 13/05/2023 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | “SESAMAI” Support to the national policies and to mother and child health services Project Officer - 05/12513/2023 - NATIONAL Legally binding statement * PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THIS VACANCY HAS BEEN CANCELLED. | 12513 | 24/04/2023 12.30 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in al Fasher and Nyala – North and South Darfur States Logistics officer - 04/12113/2023 - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Abazar Ayoub Ranking list * PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THIS VACANCY HAS BEEN CANCELLED. | 12113 | 07/03/2023 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Support for the improvement of the practicality and functionality of the reference general hospital in Port Sudan Kassala and Gedaref Administrative officer - 03/11106/2023 - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Winta Isaac Ranking list | 11106 | 07/03/2023 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | SESAMAI - Sostegno alle politiche sanitarie nazionali e ai servizi di salute materno-infantile IT Officer - 02/12513/2023 - NATIONAL Legally binding statement * PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THIS VACANCY HAS BEEN CANCELLED. | 12513 | 20/02/2023 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Support to Strengthen the Nutritional Services of the Health System in Kassala 1 project officer/Liaison officer - 01/11812/2023 - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Mahmoud Essa Ranking list | 11812 | 25/01/2023 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Avviso di incarico per la selezione di personale a contratto a tempo indeterminato 1 Profilo esecutivo con mansioni di Segreteria 41/2021/2022 Fac Simile domanda | - | 29/12/2022 |
AICS Khartoum | Programma multisettoriale ed integrato per rafforzare la resilienza della popolazione vulnerabile in Eritrea 1 Esperto per la gestione del Programma di Emergenza (Team Leader Low 1) 42/12631/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Determina annullamento | 12631 | 29/12/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN – Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Assistente amministrativo-contabile (Esperto Low 2) 40/11113/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Matteo Mannai Graduatoria | 11113 | 24/12/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | SESAMAI - Sostegno alle politiche sanitarie nazionali e ai servizi di salute materno-infantile 1 Programme Officer (Exp. Low 2) - 39/12513/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Debora Barona Graduatoria | 12513 | 01/12/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Project Officer – National - 38/12303/2022 Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Athar Atif Ranking | 12303 | 24/11/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 Team Leader (Low 2) - 37/12113/2022 Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Samia Shebah Mostafa Ranking | 12113 | 27/11/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Protezione della popolazione vulnerabile in crisi umanitaria protratta - RCA (Repubblica Centro Africana) 1 Project Officer (Esperto Low 3) - 36/12274/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Dario Vecchi Graduatoria | 12274 | 23/11/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Protezione della popolazione vulnerabile in crisi umanitaria protratta - RCA (Repubblica Centro Africana) 1 Project Officer (Esperto L1) 36/12274/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Annullamento | 12274 | 23/11/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 M&E Officer (Exp.L3) 35/12303/2022 Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Costanza Barucci Ranking | 12303 | 05/12/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Mayo Up 1 administrative assistant - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Alaa Mustafa Ranking list | 11813 | 15/11/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Rafforzamento dell’assistenza umanitaria a favore delle popolazioni vulnerabili in Eritrea nei settori salute, acqua, sicurezza alimentare e agricoltura 1 Project Officer (Esperto L1) 34/12479/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Andrea Ferro Graduatoria | 12479 | 27/10/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in al Fasher and Nyala – North and South Darfur States 1 Logistics procurement Officer (Expert M1) 25/12113/2022 Legally binding | T05-EUTF-HOA-SDN-73-01 12113 | 19/10/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala 1 Financial and administrative coordinator (Team Leader Middle 1) 32/12113/2022 Legally binding Errata corrige Selected candidate: Ornella Polato Ranking list | T05-EUTF-HOA-SDN-73-01 12113 | 23/10/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Yaounde | Iniziativa di emergenza a supporto della salute e del fabbisogno nutrizionale della popolazione colpita da conflitti e disastri naturali in Ciad 1 Programme officer (Esperto L3) 29/012398/2022 Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidata selezionata: Adele Cornaglia Graduatoria | 12398 | 20/10/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN – Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Assistente amministrativo-contabile (Esperto Low 4) 31/11113/2022 Nessun candidato idoneo | 11113 | 18/10/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di coordinamento e assistenza tecnica – Sudan e paesi di competenza (Eritrea, Ciad, Camerun, Repubblica Centrafricana) 1 Assistente amministrativo-contabile (Esperto Low 1) 30/12377/2022 Candidato selezionato: Francesca Gugelmo ha rinunciato all'incarico Gradutoria | 12377 | 18/10/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Sostegno al Miglioramento della Funzionalista ed operatività degli ospedali generali di referenza di Port Sudan, Kassala e di Gedaref Coordinatore/Coordinatrice di programma –Esperto Infrastrutture (Team Leader L1) 28/11106/2022 Nessun candidato selezionato | 11106 | 13/10/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Support to Strengthen the Nutritional Services of the Health System in Kassala 1 project officer- NATIONAL- Republication 22/11812/2022 Selected candidate: Salwa Amin Ranking | 11812 | 03/10/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | RES-EAST – Strengthening the resilience and inclusive sustainable agriculture development for the people of the eastern States in Sudan 1 Coordinatore/Coordinatrice di programma (Team Leader L1) 25/12130/2022 Candidato selezionato: Marta Bonsi Graduatoria | 12130 | 12/09/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 Communication Assistant (NATIONAL) 26/12113/2022 Selected candidate: Rania Omer Ranking | 12113 | 06/09/2022 13.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 communication officer (Expert L3) 27/12303/2022 Selected candidate: Giulia Signori ha rinunciato all'incarico Second ranked candidate: Annia Arosa Ranking list | 12303 | 15/09/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | SESAMAI” Sostegno alle politiche sanitarie nazionali e ai servizi di salute materno-infantile 1 Capo progetto (Team Leader Middle 1) 24/12303/2022 Candidato selezionato: Grazia Marcianesi Casadei Graduatoria La candidata ha rinunciato all'incarico. | 12513 | 08/08/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Finance and Administrative Officer (Expert L4) 23/12303/2022 Selected candidate: Felistas Wanjiru Gicheru Graduatoria | 12303 | 08/08/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum | Support to Strengthen the Nutritional Services of the Health System in Kassala 1 project officer- NATIONAL- 22/11812/2022 Annullamento d'ufficio in autotutela - Cancelled | 11812 | 15/07/2022 12.00 Khartoum Time |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Renforcement de Capacités des Equipes-Cadres de Région et de Districts Sanitaire – « RECaRD » 1 Coordinateur/rice Administratif/ive (Esperto Middle 4) - 21/RECaRD T03-173/2022 Errata corrige Candidato selezionato: Betty Pratesi Graduatoria | T03-173-EUTF Bekou | 16/06/2022 ore 12.00 ora di Khartoum Prorogato al 21/06/2022 ore 12.00 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Iniziativa di Emergenza per le popolazioni vulnerabili del Sudan colpite da disastri naturali e conflitti 1 Esperto Capo Programma nella gestione dei Programma di Emergenza (Team Leader Low 1 ) - 20/12461/2022 Candidato selezionato: Giuliana Schiro' Graduatoria | 12461 | 11/04/2022 ore 13.00 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di coordinamento e assistenza tecnica – Sudan e paesi di competenza (Eritrea, Ciad, Camerun, Repubblica Centrafricana) 1 Assistente amministrativo-contabile (Esperto Junior High) - 19/12377/2022 Candidato selezionato: Cristina Toppo Graduatoria | 12377 | 17/04/2022 ore 13.00 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in al Fasher and Nyala – North and South Darfur States 1 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - NATIONAL - 18/12113/2022 Errata Corrige Selected candidate: Horia Mohamedsaleh Mohamed Ranking | T05-EUTF-HOA-SDN-73-01 12113 | 25/03/2022 at 12..00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | Sostegno al Miglioramento della Funzionalista ed operatività degli ospedali generali di referenza di Port Sudan, Kassala e di Gedaref 1 Work supervisor - NATIONAL - 11106/17/2022 Selected candidate: Maha Omer Mohammed Hassan Graduatoria | 11106 | 17/03/2022 at 14..00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Communication Officer (Exp.L3) - 11/12303/2022 Selected candidate: Marco Giallonardi declined the job position Second candidate: Daniele Vagnoli declined the job position Third candidate: Giada Tardivo declined the job position Ranking list | SD-96-02 12303 | 14/03/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 driver - Red Sea State - NATIONAL - 13 /12303/2022 Annex 1 Errata Corrige Selected candidate: Ahmed Abaker Badri Ranking list | SD-96-02 12303 | 14/03/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 Programme Coordinator (Team Leader Middle 1) - 14_12113_2022 Selected candidate: Adalgisa Caraffini Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 03/03/2022 at 12.00 Central European time |
AICS Khartoum | Reclutamento di personale con contratto a tempo indeterminato 2 unità di personale nel profilo di assistente amministrativo/ contabile (ruolo concetto) - 12/2022 Allegato 1- FAC-SIMILE DI DOMANDA Ammessi alle prove | 008593/03/4 | 01/03/2022 ore 12.00 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | RES-EAST – Strengthening the resilience and inclusive sustainable agriculture development for the people of the eastern States in Sudan 2 drivers: 1 driver for Kassala Office 1 driver for Red Sea - NATIONAL - 10/ 12130/2022 Annex 1 Selected candidate: 1 driver for Kassala Office: Mohamed Mohieldin 1 driver for Red Sea Office: Allaeldeen Abdelhalim Ranking | 12130 | 17/02/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Project Officer - Gedaref State - NATIONAL - 09/ 12303/2022 Selected candidate: Rawan Younis Ranking | SD-96-02 12303 | 03/03/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Project Officer - Kassala State - NATIONAL - 08/12303/2022 Selected candidate: Batoul Abdallah Ali Osman Ranking | SD-96-02 12303 | 03/03/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - Read Sea State - NATIONAL - 07/12303/2022 Selected candidate: Alaa Hisham Ibrahim Ranking list | SD-96-02 12303 | 03/03/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Iniziativa di emergenza a sostegno della popolazione vulnerabile in Repubblica Centrafricana 1 Esperto per la gestione del Programma di Emergenza (Team Leader Low 1) - 06/12274/2022 Candidato selezionato: Miriam Cividini Graduatoria | 12274 | 15/02/2022 ore 14.00 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Supervisione e monitoraggio dell’efficacia dell’aiuto e delle iniziative finanziate dalla cooperazione italiana in Eritrea 1 Coordinatore regionale e responsabile dell’allineamento e del monitoraggio degli interventi di emergenza e sviluppo in ottica nexus (Team leader low 3) - 05/11971/2022 Candidato selezionato: Francesco De Rosa Graduatoria | 11971 | 15/02/2022 ore 14.00 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | IN-LAB – Empowerment economico e inclusione lavorativa delle persone con disabilità 1 Responsabile settore disabilità (Team Leader low 3) - 04/12144/2022 Candidato selezionato: Fabio Monni Graduatoria | 12144 | 13/02/2022 at 14.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | Lotta alla malnutrizione nello Stato di Kassala 1 Amministratore responsabile delle Risorse Umane (Team Leader Middle 1) - 03/11812/2022 Candidato selezionato: Claudio Forgione Graduatoria | 11812 | 13/02/2022 at 14.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Logistic and Procurement Officer (Expert Middle 4) - 02/12303/2022 Candidato selezionato: Wael Haddoush Graduatoria | SD-96-02 12303 | 13/02/2022 at 14.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Secretary / administrative assistant - Gedaref State – NATIONAL- 01/12303/2022 Selected candidate: Mona Mohammed Abbaker Ranking | SD-96-02 12303 | 10/02/2022 at 12.00 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Project Officer - Social inclusion NATIONAL Selected candidate: Zainab Osman Ranking | 11113 | 28/12/2021 at 13.59 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | Sostegno al Miglioramento della funzionalità ed operatività degli ospedali generali di referenza di Port Sudan, Kassala e di Gedaref 1 Project Officer - Health Sector (Low 3 Expert) NATIONAL Candidate selected: Sharif Abdalla Jewye Ranking | 11106 | 28/12/2021 at 13.59 Khartoum time |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di coordinamento e assistenza tecnica – Sudan e paesi di competenza (Eritrea, Ciad, Camerun, Repubblica Centrafricana) 1 Team Leader Procurement (Team Leader Middle 1) Candidato selezionato: Maurizio Maranzana Graduatoria | 12377 | 16/12/2021 ore 13.59 ora di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Yaoundé | Iniziativa d'emergenza a favore delle popolazioni vulnerabili in Camerun e Ciad 1 project officer (Esperto Low 3) Candidato selezionato: Adele Cornaglia Graduatoria | 11762 | 7/12/2021 ore 13.00 |
AICS Khartoum | WE-RISE! Women’s Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 driver – National Legally binding statement Annex 1 (to be completed) Selected candidate: Ahmed Ali Adam Mohammed Ranking | SD-96-02 | 30/11/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN – Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Social Inclusion Project Officer – National Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione Selected candidate: Asia Hafiz Ranking | 11113 | 21/11/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Sostegno al miglioramento della funzionalità ed operatività degli Ospedali Generali di Referenza di Port Sudan, Kassala e di Gedaref 1 Manager amministrativo/contabile (Team Leader Low 4) Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione Candidato selezionato: Maria Teresa D' Alessandro Graduatoria | 11106 | 18/11/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Supervisione e monitoraggio dell’efficacia dell’aiuto e delle iniziative finanziate dalla cooperazione italiana in Eritrea 1 Esperto/a in Monitoraggio e Valutazione (Esperto Middle 3) Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione Annullamento | 11971 | 25/11/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Renforcement de Capacités des Equipes-Cadres de Région et de Districts Sanitaire – « RECaRD » 1 coordinatore di programma (Team Leader Low 1) Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione FR Candidato selezionato: Annalisa Viceconte Graduatoria | T03-173-EUTF Bekou | 12/11/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Fondo di coordinamento e assistenza tecnica – Sudan e paesi di competenza (Eritrea, Ciad, Camerun, Repubblica Centrafricana) 1 Esperto amministrativo/contabile (Esperto Low 2) Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Alberto Tarantino Graduatoria | 12377 | 13/11/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 communication officer (Esperto Low 3) Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Chiara Aranci Ranking | SD-96-02 | 27/11/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | RES-EAST – Strengthening the Resilience and Inclusive Sustainable Agriculture Development for the People of the Eastern States in Sudan 1 coordinatore (Team Leader Low 2) Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Daniele Manieri Graduatoria | 12130 | 12/11/2021 ore 11.00 |
AICS Khartoum | RES-EAST – Strengthening the Resilience and Inclusive Sustainable Agriculture Development for the People of the Eastern States in Sudan 1 project officer Red Sea State - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Younis Abakar Abdalla Ali Ranking | 12130 | 01/11/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | RES-EAST – Strengthening the Resilience and Inclusive Sustainable Agriculture Development for the People of the Eastern States in Sudan 1 project officer Kassala State - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Amir Abdeen Ranking | 12130 | 01/11/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | INLAB - Economic empowerment and Integration of Persons with Disabilities to the Job Market 1 project officer - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Deadline extension Selected candidate: Wathba Ahmed Medani Ranking | 12144 | 01/11/2021 at 12.00 Extended up to 22/11/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Mayo Up 1 administrative assistant - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Altayb Abbas Altayb Hamza Ranking | 11813 | 18/10/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | INLAB – Economic empowerment and Integration of Persons with Disabilities to the Job Market 1 driver - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Mustafa Omer Ranking | 12144 | 07/10/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Finance and Administrative Officer (Exp.L4) Legally binding statement Nessun Candidato Idoneo | SD-96-02 | 06/10/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Renforcement de Capacités des Equipes-Cadres de Région et de Districts Sanitaire – « RECaRD » 1 coordinatore di programma Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione FR Nessun candidato idoneo | T03-173-EUTF Bekou | 01/10/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in al Fasher and Nyala – North and South Darfur States 1 driver - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Tarig Khalid Ranking list | SD-73-01 | 26/09/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 coordinatore di programma nei settori protezione dell’infanzia, gender e inclusione sociale Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione Candidato selezionato: Aurora Leo Graduatoria | 11113 | 25/08/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Project Officer - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Sumia Musa Ranking | SD-96-02 | 15/08/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Project Officer - NATIONAL Legally binding statement No suitable candidates | 11113 | 15/08/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Sostegno al miglioramento della funzionalità ed operatività degli ospedali generali di referenza di Port Sudan, Kassala e di Gedaref 1 coordinatore di programma (Team Leader Low 4) Dichiarazione sostitutiva dell'atto di notorieta' Errata corrige 1 Selected candidate: Nicola De Mastro Ranking | 11106 | 07/08/2021 ore 12:00 Estensione al 17/08/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Team Leader Low Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Costanza Matafu' Ranking | SD-96-02 | 07/08/2021 at 12:00 |
AICS Khartoum | Programma di emergenza in favore delle popolazioni del Sudan colpite da disastri naturali e conflitti 1 Esperto Programmi di Emergenza (Esperto Middle 3) Dichiarazione sostitutiva Candidato selezionato: Annalisa Viceconte Graduatoria | 12213 | 15/07/2021 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 migration/forced displacement expert Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Francesco De Rosa Ranking | SDN13 | 19/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 project officer - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Enas Osman Ahmed Ranking | 11113 | 20/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Technical Advisor - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Akram Abdel Ranking | SD-96-02 | 20/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 Finance and Administrative Officer (Exp.L4) Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Nicole Auguardi Raking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 17/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States Project Officer (Exp.L1) 1 Project Officer (Exp.L1) Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Vincenzo Romano Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 17/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 procurement/logistic Officer Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Wael Haddoush Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 17/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 civil works supervisor Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Francesca Letizia Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 17/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 driver - Al Fasher- NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Adam Abkar Karam Eddin Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 15/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 driver - Nyala - NATIONAL Legally binding statement | SDN-73-01 12113 | 15/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 site engineer - Nyala - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Rajaa Elamin declined the job position Second candidate: Samia Suliman Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 06/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 secretary- Nyala - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Huda Abaker Abdalla Ahmed Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 06/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 health officer- Nyala - NATIONAL Legally binding statement | SDN-73-01 12113 | 06/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 site engineer - Al Fasher- NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Rajaa Elamin declined the job position Second candidate: Mobarak Mohamed Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 06/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 secretary- Al Fasher - NATIONAL Legally binding statement Ekram Mohammed Salih | SDN-73-01 12113 | 06/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 health officer- Al Fasher NATIONAL Legally binding statement Selected candidate: Mohamed Bagas Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 06/06/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment Team Leader Low Legal Binding Statement Selected candidate: Giulia Coppe Trevisson declined the job position Second candidate: Federico Martire declined the job position Third candidate: Gabriella Cerretti declined the job position Ranking | SD-96-02 | 12/05/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | RES-EAST - Rafforzamento delle capacità di resilienza per lo sviluppo agricolo inclusivo e sostenibile delle popolazioni dell’est del Sudan Coordinatore di Programma (Esperto Middle 1) Dichiarazione sostitutiva | 12130 | 15/05/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Yaoundé | Iniziativa di Emergenza per il miglioramento della resilienza delle popolazioni vulnerabili in Camerun e Ciad 1 Programme Officer (Esperto L3) Errata Corrige Candidato selezionato: Elisa Artico Graduatoria | 12022 | 18/04/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Iniziativa di emergenza a sostegno della popolazione vulnerabile in Repubblica Centrafricana 1 Administrative Officer (L1) Errata Corrige | 12049 | 22/04/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Iniziativa di emergenza a sostegno della popolazione vulnerabile in Repubblica Centrafricana 1 Project Officer (Esperto L2) Errata Corrige Candidato selezionato: Silvia Laterza Graduatoria | 12049 | 22/04/2021 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Roving Coordinator Selected candidate: Lucia Gerbaldo declined the job position Second candidate: Cinzia Rizzioli Ranking | SD-96-02 | 22/04/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | We-RISE! Women's Empowerment for Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment 1 Team Leader Determina di annullamento avviso di selezione | SD-96-02 | 22/04/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Fighting malnutrition in Kassala 1 project assistant NATIONAL Selected candidate: Sara Lavinia Brair Ranking | 11812 | 09/03/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Bridging the Gap 1 project administrator NATIONAL Selected candidate: Hashim Mohammed Alsayed Mustafa Ranking | 11098 | 09/03/2021 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Lotta alla malnutrizione nello Stato di Kassala 1 Coordinatore di programma Candidato selezionato: Valeria Bacci ha rinunciato all'incarico Secondo in graduatoria: Ilaria di Modugno ha rinunciato all'incarico Graduatoria | 11812 | 25/02/2021 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 Procurement, finance and administrative officer | SDN-73-01 12113 | 22/12/2020 at 12.00 (Central European time) |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population (HealthPro) in Al Fasher and Nyala - North and South Darfur States 1 Project officer Selected candidate: Stefano Vida Ranking | SDN-73-01 12113 | 22/12/2020 at 12.00 (Central European time) |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - Family Medicine negli Stati di Kassala, Gedaref, Khartoum e Port Sudan 1 Esperto in Procurement/Amministrazione Candidato selezionato: Ornella Polato Graduatoria | 11188 | 07/12/2020 at 12.00 (ora di Khartoum) |
AICS Khartoum | Fighting malnutrition in Kassala State 1 driver Kassala - NATIONAL Annex 1 - Form to be filled Selected candidate: Ali Idris Mohammed Ranking | 11812 | 22/11/2020 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Poverty alleviation programme in Kassala and Red Sea States 1 driver Port Sudan office - NATIONAL 1 driver Khartoum office - NATIONAL Annex 1 - Form to be filled | 10017 | 01/11/2020 at 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | INLAB - Economic empowerment and Integration of Persons with Disabilities to the Job Market 1 coordinatore di programma Candidato selezionato: Daniele Manieri Graduatoria | 12144 | 22/10/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Comunicazione e Visibilità 1 responsabile comunicazione Avviso di rettifica Candidato selezionato: Francesca Nardi Graduatoria | 11202 | 22/10/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Assistente di progetto Candidato selezionato: Maria Sofia Tozzi ha rinunciato all'incarico Secondo in graduatoria: Federica Ioli ha rinunciato all'incarico Terzo in graduatoria: Aurora Leo Graduatoria | 11113 | 14/10/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Renforcement de Capacités des Equipes-Cadres de Région et de Districts Sanitaire « RECaRD » 1 Coordinateur Technique de Programme proroga Candidato selezionato: Giuseppe Rovoletto Graduatoria | T03-173-EUTF Bekou | 07/10/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum prorogato al 22/10/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Asmara | Programma di aiuto umanitario in favore delle popolazioni vulnerabili in Eritrea 1 Project Officer Candidato selezionato: Thomas Parma Graduatoria | 11996 | 06/08/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Humanitarian Development Nexus: Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population in al Fasher and Nyala – North and South Darfur States 1 technical coordinator Selected candidate: Paolo Maria Giambelli Ranking | T05-EUTF-HOA-SD-73-01 | 20/04/2020 before 12.00 (noon Central European Time) |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - “FAMILY MEDICINE” NEGLI STATI DI RED SEA, KASSALA E DI KHARTOUM 1 project assistant - NATIONAL | 11188 | 15/03/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Sostegno al miglioramento della funzionalità ed operatività degli ospedali generali di referenza di Port Sudan, Kassala e di Gadaref (Kassala Health Citadel) 1 programme coordinator Candidato selezionato: Lorenzo Colonna-Preti Graduatoria | 11106 | 13/02/2020 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 field engineer - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Maha Omer Mohammed Hassen Ranking | SDN13 | 03/02/2020 before 12.00 pm |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 health officer - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Mohammed Bagas Ranking | SDN13 | 03/02/2020 before 12.00 pm |
AICS Khartoum | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 wash field engineer- NATIONAL Selected candidate: Mohammed Fadul Hussain Hassan Ranking | SDN11 | 20/01/2020 before 12.00 pm |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 procurement logistic officer La vacancy e' annullata | SDN13 | 31/12/2019 before 12.00 (noon Central European Time) |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 programme technical coordinator Candidata selezionata: Ada Caraffini Graduatoria | SDN13 | 31/12/2019 before 12.00 (noon Central European Time) |
AICS Khartoum | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 wash field officer - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Adil Abdelmonein Ahmed Omer Ranking | SDN11 | 03/12/2019 before 12.00 pm |
AICS Khartoum | 1 programme officer - settore emergenza Selected candidate: Giuliana Schiro Graduatoria | 11994 | 30/11/2019 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 programme technical coordinator Candidato selezionato: Nicola De Mastro Graduatoria | SDN11 | 20/11/2019 ore 12.00 (noon Central European Time) |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 programme technical coordinator Nessun candidato idoneo | SDN13 | 20/11/2019 ore 12.00 (noon Central European Time) |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 programme, administrative, financial manager Selected candidate: Ruggero Orlandi Graduatoria | SDN13 | 20/11/2019 ore 12.00 (noon Central European Time) |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Renforcement de Capacités des Equipes-Cadres de Région et de Districts Sanitaire « RECaRD » 1 coordinateur passation des marches, administration et financier du programme Selected candidate: Betty Akwero Pratesi Graduatoria | T03-173-EUTF Bekou | 18/11/2019 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Communication officer Selected candidate: Veronica Cornacchione Graduatoria | SDN13 | 23/10/2019 ore 12.00 |
AICS Khartoum | Lotta alla malnutrizione a Kassala 1 Capo progetto Selected candidate: Damiano Pizzol | 11812 | 27/09/2019 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Amministrativo Candidato selezionato: Primo classificato Francesco Balletti ha rinunciato all'incarico La seconda in graduatoria Mariateresa D’Alessandro ha accettato l' incarico | 11113 | 24/09/2019 ore 12.00 di Khartoum |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Project officer - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Enas Osman | 11113 | 05/08/2019 |
AICS Khartoum | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Communication Assistant - NATIONAL Selected Candidate: Dalia Adil | SDN13 | 21/07/2019 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 GEWE Specialist - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Afaf Hamid | 11113 | 28/05/2019 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Inclusive Agriculture Officer - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Afnan Babiker Khalil Mahmoud | 10017 | 26/03/2019 |
AICS Khartoum | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 Civil Works Supervisor - NATIONAL Selected candidate: Islam Abdalla Mirghani Eltayeb | SDN11 | 21/03/2019 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Bangui | Renforcement de Capacités des Equipes-Cadres de Région et de Districts Sanitaire « RECaRD » 1 Coordinateur Technique de Programme Proroga di scadenza al 4 aprile 2019 ore 12.00 Selected candidate: Linda Pescini | T03-173-EUTF Bekou | 20/03/2019 proroga al 04/04/2019 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Project Officer - Programma Emergenza Comunicato Urgente - Modifica della e-mail per l'invio della candidatura Selected candidate: Annalisa Viceconte | 11721 | 14/03/2019 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Programme Coordinator Candidata selezionata: Michela Lugiai | 11113 | 15/11/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN-Social Inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within migrants, refugees and hosting communities 1 Programme Coordinator La candidata selezionata ha rinunciato all'incarico e non vi sono altri candidati idonei in graduatoria | 11113 | 24/09/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Administrative Assistant - NATIONAL ONLY Selected candidate: Lena Hamid | SDN13 | 02/07/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - “FAMILY MEDICINE” NEGLI STATI DI RED SEA, KASSALA E DI KHARTOUM 1 Project Assistant/Monitoring Officer - NATIONAL ONLY Selected candidate: Eshraga Mohammed | 11188 | 28/06/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Driver - NATIONAL ONLY Selected candidate: Ehab Abdulla Ahmed | 10239 | 28/06/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 2 Drivers - NATIONAL ONLY Selected candidates: Allaeldeen Habbib Abdelhalim (Port Sudan) and Saadaldeen Osman Ahmed (Kassala) | 10017 | 28/06/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Programme Manager Candidato selezionato: Daniele Manieri | 11098 | 26/06/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Communication Officer Selected candidate: Michele Pasquale | SDN13 | 16/06/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 Wash Field Officer Candidato selezionato: Mohamed Khidir | SDN11 | 31/05/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Civil work project officer Selected candidate: Lorenzo Colonna Preti | SDN13 | 31/05/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 Project Officer Selected candidate: Stefano Sozza | SDN11 | 19/05/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Legal, administrative, finance and procurement officer Selected candidate: Angela Ferraro dimissionaria. Subentrata in qualità' di idonea, II classificata in graduatoria Gina Maurizi in servizio dal 11.02.2019 | SDN13 | 10/05/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Driver - Logistician - NATIONAL ONLY Selected candidate: Faris Hashim Elkhider Elsiddig | 11113 | 02/05/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Water Technician in Port Sudan Selected candidate: Salah Fadul Hassan Omer | 10017 | 27/04/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Agricultural Technician in Kassala Selected candidate: Mohamed Abdalla Aljali | 10017 | 27/04/2018 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Communication Officer Assistant Selected candidate: Yasir Amir The candidate resigned on 30/04/2019 | SDN13 | 18/04/2018 |
AICS Khartoum Ufficio di Yaoundé | 1 Assistente Amministrativo Contabile Candidato selezionato: Elisa Artico | 11226 | 04/04/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Archivista Selected candidate: Ola Eissa | - | 30/03/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Segretaria/o Esecutiva/o Selected candidate: Nadia Abdalwhab | - | 30/03/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN 1 Driver/Logistician Selected candidate: Ahmed Abakar Badree Abu Madina | 11113 | 22/03/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN 1 Social Inclusion project officer Selected candidate: Akram Abdel Gayoum | 11113 | 18/02/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN 1Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment project officer Selected candidate: Muna Zahir | 11113 | 18/02/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - “FAMILY MEDICINE” NEGLI STATI DI RED SEA, KASSALA E DI KHARTOUM 1 assistente di progetto Selected candidate: Francesco De Rosa | 11188 | 10/01/2018 |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - “FAMILY MEDICINE” NEGLI STATI DI RED SEA, KASSALA E DI KHARTOUM 1 Coordinatore di programma annullamento | 11188 | 02/12/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Assistente di Progetto Candidato selezionato: Francesco Bonanome | 11002 | 28/11/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 Team Leader Selected candidate: Antonio Conte | SDN11 | 15/11/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Procurement and Logistic officer Selected candidate: Wael Hoddoush | SDN13 | 15/11/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Strengthening resilience for refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan 1 Team Leader Selected candidate: Elisa Edimond | SDN13 | 15/11/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Project Officer Selected candidate: Stefano Vida | SDN13 | 15/11/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | Support Migrants and Host Communities in improving access to safe water and sanitation in Eastern Sudan 1 Assistant Administrative officer and Human Resources coordinator Selected candidate: Giulia Madau dimissionaria. Subentrata in qualità di idonea, II classificata in graduatoria Betty Pratesi in servizio dal 03-06-2019 | SDN11 | 15/11/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - “FAMILY MEDICINE” NEGLI STATI DI RED SEA, KASSALA E DI KHARTOUM 1 Assistente amministrativo Candidato selezionato: Concetta Petti | 11188 | 03/11/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | DICTORNA - “FAMILY MEDICINE” NEGLI STATI DI RED SEA, KASSALA E DI KHARTOUM 1 Coordinatore di programma Annullamento | 11188 | 03/11/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | Comunicazione e Visibilita' 1 Communication Officer Candidato selezionato: Francesca Nardi | 11202 | 08/09/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN 1Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment programme coordinator Candidato selezionato: Giulia Trevisan Coppe | 11113 | 02/09/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN 1 Social Development programme coordinator Candidato selezionato: Jacopo Branchesi | 11113 | 02/09/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | TADMEEN 1 Amministrativo Candidato selezionato: Ruggero Orlandi | 11113 | 02/09/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | Poverty Alleviation 1 Amministrativo-Contabile Candidato selezionato: Thomas Parma | 10017 | 24/06/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | Bridging the Gap 1 Project manager Candidato selezionato: Stefano Sozza | 11098 | 08/06/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Project officer Candidato selezionato: Gaia Bellia | 10239 | 31/03/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Project Health officer Candidato selezionato: Alessandro Leoni | 10239 | 29/03/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Assistente alla logistica e Procurement Annullamento | 11002 | 29/03/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Assistente Amministrativo Candidato selezionato: Veronica Frasghini | 11002 | 29/03/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Communication officer Selected candidate: Chiara Aranci | IHSVP | 20/03/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Project officer - Civil Works Supervisor Selected candidate: Lorenzo Colonna Preti | IHSVP | 20/03/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Project officer Selected candidate: Elisa Edimont | IHSVP | 20/03/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Administrator, finance and procurement officer Selected candidate: Angela Ferraro | IHSVP | 15/03/2017 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Team Leader Selected candidate: Paolo Maria Giambelli | IHSVP | 20/02/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Coordinatore junior Candidato selezionato: Dario Mancinelli | 10017 | 15/02/2017 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Tecnico di impianti idrici e condotte in pressione NUOVA SCADENZA BANDO 15 Novembre 2016, h. 17.00 AET (fuso orario sudanese) Candidato selezionato: Antonio Conte | 10017 | 05/11/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Assistente Tecnico Sanitario Junior Candidato selezionato: Riccardo Lazzaro | 10239 | 28/10/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Commesso - Liaison officer Prove d'esame Candidato Selezionato: Ali Abdallah Ahmad (dimissionario) - Secondo qualificato: Abdelkhalig Osman Ibrahim | - | 15/09/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Autista Prove d'esame Candidato Selezionato: Zuhair Hasan Mustafa Ali Sultan | - | 15/09/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Amministrativo contabile Prove d'esame Candidato Selezionato: Haitam Osman Elsamani | - | 15/09/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Archivista Prove d'esame Candidato Selezionato: Ali Mohamed Ali Muna (dimissionaria) Nessun secondo classificato | - | 15/09/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Centralinista Prove d'esame Candidato Selezionato: Nada Ussein Saad (dimissionaria) | - | 15/09/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Esperto in Politiche Sociali e Disabilita Candidato Selezionato: Benedetta Piola Caselli | 10583 | 22/08/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Autista Candidato Selezionato: Ahmad Ali Baker | 10641 | 04/08/2016 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Esperto Project Manager Assistant - Coordinatore della logistica e delle risorse Umane Selected Candidate: Mara Bernasconi | PQHS | 14/06/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Responsabile opere idrauliche I due candidati risultati idonei si sono ritirati. | 10017 | 30/05/2016 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Assistente Coordinatore di Programma Selected candidate: Anita Speranza | IHSVP | 20/05/2016 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Project officer Selected candidate: Elisa Edimond | PQHS | 20/05/2016 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 Project officer Selected candidate: nessun candidato selezionato | PQHS | 21/02/2016 |
Ambasciata d'Italia a Khartoum Cooperazione delegata | 1 coordinatore di opere civili - ispettore di cantiere Selected candidate: Lorenzo Colonna Preti | PQHS | 05/02/2016 |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Assistente Amministrativo-Contabile Selected candidate: Roberto Dispensa | 10/01/2016 | |
AICS Khartoum | 1 Capo Progetto Selected candidate: Giulia Trevisan Coppe | 10641 | 09/11/2015 |